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Welcome !!!
Scientific  production  and  ecological  firm  «Phosphogypsum -Technology»   works  on Exploitation,  producing  and  promoting  non-stick coverings  for  casting  sections since 1991. More than 80 Russian companies are the consumers of our production. The  unique  technologies  using   non-stick  coverings  on  different  marks  of  steel  and moulding  mixtures have been promoted  and worked for15 years. Our partners using non-stick coverings  produce  ingots  from 10 kg to 100 tonnes. Non-stick coverings represent a complex and similar mixture electro-corundum,  natural clays and  oxides,  bentonites,  dextrines, lingo- sulfonates,  liquid  glassed  and  other  components. Non-stick  coverings  bring  on forms  and pilots  with  pulverizer,  tassel  or sinking. The fatness  stratum  under  colouring  not  less than 0,5 mm . Non-stick coverings penetrate on the depth to 0,5 mm under the drawing,   it happened no fast clutch of covering with  superficiality forms and  pivots.

About production  


   In the  presence of  non-stick coverings in certain correlation of  stable additions allow to reach a high stability and  stability to abrasion.   The outward  appearance of stratum which  have been brought and have been got is flat without inclusions and cracks. From 1 tonne of non-stick coverings  we  can prepare to 1,5 tonnes of  finished emulsion. The shelf life of non-stick coverings is unlimited. Ecological   quality   of  non- stick  coverings   confirmed   the   hygienic   conclusion ¹  from  09.02.2004,  it have been  given by public  and medical service of Russian Federation of the main public sanitary inspector on Sverdlovsk`s oblast. Nowadays there are two sorts of non-stick coverings are releasing : NCP-1  -  non-stick corundum past for fine and average moulding; NCP-2  -  non-stick corundum past for coarse moulding. In the  capacity  of  experiment  possible of  using  non-stick  corundum  past  on  the cast-iron moulding. We did  not receive  a negative  result for  15 years.   On fully  developed  the  experts of «Phosphogypsum-Technology»   SPEF    after  receiving  experimental  consignment   NC  by customer, they can lead the inculcation NC on your enterprise.


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